So you managed to finally take delivery of that new project car, or maybe just decided the rust was getting too far gone to let it slide any further, either way, you [...]
In the 1960s and ‘70s, most cars were limited on engine monitoring devices. Most muscle cars were lucky to get a tachometer, which you had to pay for. Some higher-end [...]
With the roll cage and suspension set up, the rest of the work in the trunk can be completed. There are a few technical aspects of the build that must be covered here, and it [...]
When it comes to building a street\strip drag car, making concessions are part of the game. Big power coupled with a stiff chassis and stock leaf springs is a recipe for no [...]
Look at any race car and you will find one thing in common, a stiff chassis. Whether it is for the drag strip, circle track, or the rally course, a solid chassis is critical [...]
As the Royal Scamp project moves along, we move past the initial bolt-ons and get into the fabrication. This section of the build is about two things- safety and performance. [...]
In the late seventies and eighties, adding creature comforts to lesser-equipped cars was huge. All kinds of modifications were made, such as power locks, power windows, and [...]
Mention it once and your buddies will suddenly be busy for the next three weeks. Wiring is the bane of existence for many gearheads; voltage, ohms, soldering, not to mention [...]