Eastwood SCT First Impressions
Stripping paint and prepping metal is not a difficult task, but it is very time consuming. There are many options for this task, and they vary cost and degree of difficulty and effectiveness. The Eastwood Company has just made things a whole lot easier with their new Contour SCT Surface Conditioning Tool. operating much like the brush on a street sweeper, this tool spins a horizontal drum to make quick work of any surface prep. We recently picked up a Contour SCT and our first impression is pretty incredible.

The Eastwood Contour SCT is a great tool, it makes surface prep go twice as fast.
We received the tool with all of the available components- surface prep finishing drum, aggressive rust and paint removal drum, and the rubber expander drum with sanding sleeves in various grits. The tool itself has 6 variable speeds, from 1000-3700 rpm, and is gear-driven for maximum torque. The drums come in a wide variety of options (EDIT- Eastwood now offers more drums then our original review, look for more on these later) to get the job done fast.
We put the Contour SCT to work on our 1941 Lincoln Continental, removing the original lacquer paint from the 1952. The surface prep drum is not aggressive enough to remove the lacquer, but the aggressive drum made quick work of the thick paint, leaving a nice primer/bodywork-ready profile on the metal.
This tool will quickly become our go-to mode of rust and surface prep before bodywork and primer. At just $199, the Contour SCT represents a relatively low investment in serious time savings. Compared to a high-speed sander, we easily cut the strip time in half, and the drum shows very little wear, unlike a sander which would take multiple discs per panel.
So far we are very impressed. Look for our surface prep tech article coming soon featuring the Contour SCT.
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